Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sexual relations and flavors

We all know that a man loves a woman perceives and eyes, ears, a man and a woman. All this is correct, but there is one thing. " It turns out that recent research in this area have shown that men and women "smell" each other by smell.

Each person has his own conception of what erotic. And find out what really excites you and your partner is not so easy, because during lovemaking involving almost all the senses. And a special role is played here smells.

Everyone has their own "nature spirits". Solo smell of men and women depends on many factors, but mainly it deals with the peculiarities of hormonal and immune systems, bio-energy field and the bacteria that live on our skin. The smell is just as unique as fingerprints, and largely determines the attractiveness for us or that person.

More strongly pronounced smell of the southern people, at least - at the northern, racial differences also play an important role. Have different smells and different parts of the body: skin, hair, smooth folds of the body, reproductive organs, saliva, semen. Sensitivity to smells different too. The greatest influence on the psycho-emotional centers have odors from the South, the Eastern peoples and the least - at the northern Europeans.
The natural scent of pure woman's body - is its largest value after sexual beauty. It comes from all the women: from hair, skin, lips, breasts, armpits, genitals, the clothes that she wears. No two women with the same smell as men.

As the individual has the smell of women in the sex so important, it must take care that it was pleasant, as frequently and thoroughly as their looks, skillfully use it when a man seduces and when it deals with love, with the same ably, as his body.

Nature can provide invaluable assistance in this difficult question: to enhance, correct or mask the natural scent of the individual partners, or purify it from the various layers, improve and protect their energy fields.

If hormones are substances courier man's inner world, it smells in the form of sexually significant scents, called pheromones, and many exist in the natural environment. To this group, in particular, include some essential oils.

Use of incense from a physiological point of view of the different objectives and can be divided into several categories. One category is a common purpose - to neutralize the unpleasant smell in the air and through effects on the central nervous system to enhance sexual feelings.
The second category of spices directly acts on the sexual sphere of the person, may also enhance or weaken the individual smells of sex, to initiate or eliminate erotic fantasies.

These scents are divided into male-dominated, the most relevant natural body odors of male and female, harmonizing with the smell of the body, hair, woman and beneficial effects on the male genital area.

Of the essential oils purely masculine direction, we note ginger, cypress, thyme, cedar, cinnamon, sandalwood, nutmeg, and women - this jasmine, geranium, neroli, rose, ylang-ylang, bitter almonds.

There is a group of oils, which are equally suitable for men and women: bergamot, juniper, patchouli, rosemary, lavender.

Even in the 16 th century, the Arabs believed lavender in the most effective means of removing the repulsive smell of female genitals, especially when their pathology. Lavandou used in the form of pads, in a mixture with salt, produces aromatic water. This property also has the smell of mint, camphor, rosemary, fir and cedar. Sex smells amplified alkalis, acids, attenuated.

In ancient Rome, for example, when essential oils have not yet learned to extract from the plant, a woman of the class before meeting with the man hours taken from the bath of rose petals. In general, the rose is associated with many legends.

Brought from the eastern countries in ancient Greece rose dedicated to the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. Greeks rose petals adorn marriage ceremonies, the bride is compared with the rosebud, and the plant is necessarily present in festive attire.
Incense as a means of sensual widely used in harems, priestesses of the ancient profession, as well as when they met in an intimate atmosphere.

For intimate atmosphere are recommended and widely used by so-called "sensual aromatic composition. It is composed of essential oils of ylang-ylang, cardamom, orange, bergamot, neroli, rose, geranium, mandarin.

Even in ancient times there were special recipes for the preparation of sensual compositions of essential oils. These compositions are due to synergistic action of constituents greater influence on the physiological (increased potency, the sensitivity of erogenous zones, etc.) and energy (erotic pulse, intuition, natural, etc.) Centers rights than individual essential oils. These aromatic blends possess attractive aroma and a powerful influence on the bodies of human sensuality.

Here are some of them:

Mixture of Aphrodite. Invented by women to the temptations of men. It is equally suitable for the young and women in age. So: 3 drops of ylang-ylang mixed with 2 drops of sandalwood, add 3 drops of rose or pink tree and 2 drops of nutmeg (you can Clary Sage). This composition of oils used for baths, fragrance, making shampoo massage.

Mixture of the winner. It is suitable for men. Mixture enhances potency, enhances psihoeroticheskuyu mood: 3 drops of ginger, plus 2 drops of cinnamon mixed with 3 drops of bergamot. It is used for baths, erotic massage, fragrance, making shampoo.

Delicate blend, or a mixture of Cleopatra: 4 drops Neroli combine with 3 drops of sandalwood and add 2 drops of bergamot and mint. Application of this mixture normalizes the nervous and psychological systems, stimulates impulses in the receptors that send signals to the erotoopredelyayuschie areas of the brain, changes the energy potential, restores the aura affects the endocrine system, increases the potency.

In addition to essential oils, perfumes and colognes are also widely used in the intimate atmosphere to enhance psihoeroticheskoy disposition.

Rational use of perfume to attract the opposite sex is to choose the right direction the smell that most closely matches the natural smell of a partner, or to enhance the overall smell, which is most suitable for the harmony of their sexual feelings.

All existing flavors in the perfume can be obtained by mixing in appropriate proportions of aromatic scents. In nature, well-maintained the principle septimal: seven colors of the spectrum, seven simple sounds, the seven components of the odor - the foundation for building harmony of the surrounding world, which is human.

In harmony with the environment should be and the harmony of aromas. Modern perfumery production attaches great importance to their agreement. According to French perfumes, perfume, scent must have a perfect and harmonious, and at the same time delightfully new.

For your mood, age, lifestyle, clothing, skin color, hair color, a partner, as well as climate, season and days to choose a unique fragrance that will live in harmony with the surrounding world, please yourself and others.

The aroma of each woman or man should be linked to their personality, to create memories with each other in their absence, and only one unique, beloved scent can play all the bright, unforgettable moments of mutual communication, as well as certain smells are imprinted in our memories and are a kind of code which can cause the whole picture of memories of human life.

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