Sunday, December 13, 2009

First aid child

There are many cases where children are injured while at home. In most cases, parents can prevent such troubles. For example, little boys is very risky to play with various beads, glass beads, designers, containing small parts, etc.

Caution should be taken to use a child candy, sunflower seeds and other small products. Please note that kid one second is enough to choke her mouth stuffed into a small detail. Like most injuries, strangulation, which may occur due to falling foreign body in the respiratory tract, it is better to prevent.

But if all it did not lose composure, but quickly provide first aid emergency. Because of the precise actions parents can depend on the life of a baby.

So the signs of strangulation.

- The child can not utter a single sound.

- Face your baby at first blush, then turn blue.

- The child may lose consciousness.

Your actions. If you are dealing with the baby, then

1. Sit on a chair or sat down on one knee. Put your baby on his knee so that his head was lowered, and the chest and belly were you at arm's length, which supports it.

2. Hit him between the shoulder blades four times. Try to strike was not too strong nor too weak.

3. If the jammed object begins to move, be very careful when your finger will become get him out of his mouth child. At that point, there is a risk to push the foreign body even further.

If hit in the back does not help, do the pressing on the stomach as follows:

- Put your baby on a hard surface on the back, lean his head back, chin lift;

- Two fingers of one hand, place the child on the upper part of the abdomen, where the ribs come together, and quickly push inwards and upwards. Movement must be strong enough to remove the foreign object;

- If the first try is not enough, then be receiving up to four times.

Help older children.

1. Sit in a chair and sitting the child on his knees, lowered his head down. Either stand up on one knee, putting the child at the latter.

2. One hand to support the child under the chest, and another hit four times between the shoulder blades.

3. If hit in the back do not help, then sitting the child on her lap, one of his hands resting on his stomach. Squeeze it's hand into a fist, resting on that inner side, where there is a big finger in the middle of his abdomen, and another hand to hold the child behind his back.

Quickly press down on his stomach with his fist slightly upward and as deeply as possible. Movement must be strong enough to push the jammed object. Repeat pressing the up to four times.

If the child is unconscious:

1. call an ambulance;

2. Place baby on his back, lean his head back to the airways opened up as much as possible, and start doing CPR, mouth to mouth, if the baby is not breathing.

How artificial respiration?

- Hold the chin in the upright position - then the airways remain open;

- Never try to do CPR the person who is breathing independently

- A child's face is small, so you can inject air through the nose and mouth at once;

- Do not use the full force of his lungs - lungs baby can not accommodate the volume of your exhalation;

- After the expiration subtract lips and let the air out of the lungs of the child. At this time, do yourself a breath;

- Again breathe the air in the mouth and nose of the child;

- Artificial respiration baby your breath must be shorter than usual.

If the air does not pass into the lungs of the child, then repeat the blows between the shoulder blades and pressed on her stomach. Continue to do artificial respiration and other techniques before the arrival of doctors.

As you see, to save the child's case difficult and responsible, so try to avoid risk factors. Namely:

- Make sure your kid does not play with small objects, which he could put himself in the mouth or accidentally inhale;

- Children up to seven years, do not give candy, nuts, seeds, etc.

- Forbid children to play with ropes and cords, as he may casually wrapped around his neck and suffocated;

- To stop playing with plastic bags.

And a little more about the small things. Small children are often pushed into small beads, buttons, paper beads, seeds, etc., currently in the nose or ear. It is important that trying to take a foreign body from the nose, you're not pulling him even deeper.

Your actions by ingestion of a foreign body in the nose.

- Soft object, try to pull out with tweezers with fine


- Try to make the baby sneeze.

- Older child may be asked to sharply exhale nose. Do not ask about this kid, instead of a sharp exhalation, he can begin to draw air into itself.

- If your actions are not successful, refer to ENT.

If a baby is put something in the nose and did not tell you, in a few days after exposure to a foreign body from the nose appear fetid allocation, mixed with blood. In this case, immediately contact your doctor.

If you see a child picking in the ear, or began to complain of pain, then his ear could get the foreign object. Do not try to get it themselves, unless the subject is not looking out of the abalone. Refer to the otolaryngologist.

Remember, your care - a pledge the health of the child!
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