Sunday, December 13, 2009

First aid child

There are many cases where children are injured while at home. In most cases, parents can prevent such troubles. For example, little boys is very risky to play with various beads, glass beads, designers, containing small parts, etc.

Caution should be taken to use a child candy, sunflower seeds and other small products. Please note that kid one second is enough to choke her mouth stuffed into a small detail. Like most injuries, strangulation, which may occur due to falling foreign body in the respiratory tract, it is better to prevent.

But if all it did not lose composure, but quickly provide first aid emergency. Because of the precise actions parents can depend on the life of a baby.

So the signs of strangulation.

- The child can not utter a single sound.

- Face your baby at first blush, then turn blue.

- The child may lose consciousness.

Your actions. If you are dealing with the baby, then

1. Sit on a chair or sat down on one knee. Put your baby on his knee so that his head was lowered, and the chest and belly were you at arm's length, which supports it.

2. Hit him between the shoulder blades four times. Try to strike was not too strong nor too weak.

3. If the jammed object begins to move, be very careful when your finger will become get him out of his mouth child. At that point, there is a risk to push the foreign body even further.

If hit in the back does not help, do the pressing on the stomach as follows:

- Put your baby on a hard surface on the back, lean his head back, chin lift;

- Two fingers of one hand, place the child on the upper part of the abdomen, where the ribs come together, and quickly push inwards and upwards. Movement must be strong enough to remove the foreign object;

- If the first try is not enough, then be receiving up to four times.

Help older children.

1. Sit in a chair and sitting the child on his knees, lowered his head down. Either stand up on one knee, putting the child at the latter.

2. One hand to support the child under the chest, and another hit four times between the shoulder blades.

3. If hit in the back do not help, then sitting the child on her lap, one of his hands resting on his stomach. Squeeze it's hand into a fist, resting on that inner side, where there is a big finger in the middle of his abdomen, and another hand to hold the child behind his back.

Quickly press down on his stomach with his fist slightly upward and as deeply as possible. Movement must be strong enough to push the jammed object. Repeat pressing the up to four times.

If the child is unconscious:

1. call an ambulance;

2. Place baby on his back, lean his head back to the airways opened up as much as possible, and start doing CPR, mouth to mouth, if the baby is not breathing.

How artificial respiration?

- Hold the chin in the upright position - then the airways remain open;

- Never try to do CPR the person who is breathing independently

- A child's face is small, so you can inject air through the nose and mouth at once;

- Do not use the full force of his lungs - lungs baby can not accommodate the volume of your exhalation;

- After the expiration subtract lips and let the air out of the lungs of the child. At this time, do yourself a breath;

- Again breathe the air in the mouth and nose of the child;

- Artificial respiration baby your breath must be shorter than usual.

If the air does not pass into the lungs of the child, then repeat the blows between the shoulder blades and pressed on her stomach. Continue to do artificial respiration and other techniques before the arrival of doctors.

As you see, to save the child's case difficult and responsible, so try to avoid risk factors. Namely:

- Make sure your kid does not play with small objects, which he could put himself in the mouth or accidentally inhale;

- Children up to seven years, do not give candy, nuts, seeds, etc.

- Forbid children to play with ropes and cords, as he may casually wrapped around his neck and suffocated;

- To stop playing with plastic bags.

And a little more about the small things. Small children are often pushed into small beads, buttons, paper beads, seeds, etc., currently in the nose or ear. It is important that trying to take a foreign body from the nose, you're not pulling him even deeper.

Your actions by ingestion of a foreign body in the nose.

- Soft object, try to pull out with tweezers with fine


- Try to make the baby sneeze.

- Older child may be asked to sharply exhale nose. Do not ask about this kid, instead of a sharp exhalation, he can begin to draw air into itself.

- If your actions are not successful, refer to ENT.

If a baby is put something in the nose and did not tell you, in a few days after exposure to a foreign body from the nose appear fetid allocation, mixed with blood. In this case, immediately contact your doctor.

If you see a child picking in the ear, or began to complain of pain, then his ear could get the foreign object. Do not try to get it themselves, unless the subject is not looking out of the abalone. Refer to the otolaryngologist.

Remember, your care - a pledge the health of the child!
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sexual relations and flavors

We all know that a man loves a woman perceives and eyes, ears, a man and a woman. All this is correct, but there is one thing. " It turns out that recent research in this area have shown that men and women "smell" each other by smell.

Each person has his own conception of what erotic. And find out what really excites you and your partner is not so easy, because during lovemaking involving almost all the senses. And a special role is played here smells.

Everyone has their own "nature spirits". Solo smell of men and women depends on many factors, but mainly it deals with the peculiarities of hormonal and immune systems, bio-energy field and the bacteria that live on our skin. The smell is just as unique as fingerprints, and largely determines the attractiveness for us or that person.

More strongly pronounced smell of the southern people, at least - at the northern, racial differences also play an important role. Have different smells and different parts of the body: skin, hair, smooth folds of the body, reproductive organs, saliva, semen. Sensitivity to smells different too. The greatest influence on the psycho-emotional centers have odors from the South, the Eastern peoples and the least - at the northern Europeans.
The natural scent of pure woman's body - is its largest value after sexual beauty. It comes from all the women: from hair, skin, lips, breasts, armpits, genitals, the clothes that she wears. No two women with the same smell as men.

As the individual has the smell of women in the sex so important, it must take care that it was pleasant, as frequently and thoroughly as their looks, skillfully use it when a man seduces and when it deals with love, with the same ably, as his body.

Nature can provide invaluable assistance in this difficult question: to enhance, correct or mask the natural scent of the individual partners, or purify it from the various layers, improve and protect their energy fields.

If hormones are substances courier man's inner world, it smells in the form of sexually significant scents, called pheromones, and many exist in the natural environment. To this group, in particular, include some essential oils.

Use of incense from a physiological point of view of the different objectives and can be divided into several categories. One category is a common purpose - to neutralize the unpleasant smell in the air and through effects on the central nervous system to enhance sexual feelings.
The second category of spices directly acts on the sexual sphere of the person, may also enhance or weaken the individual smells of sex, to initiate or eliminate erotic fantasies.

These scents are divided into male-dominated, the most relevant natural body odors of male and female, harmonizing with the smell of the body, hair, woman and beneficial effects on the male genital area.

Of the essential oils purely masculine direction, we note ginger, cypress, thyme, cedar, cinnamon, sandalwood, nutmeg, and women - this jasmine, geranium, neroli, rose, ylang-ylang, bitter almonds.

There is a group of oils, which are equally suitable for men and women: bergamot, juniper, patchouli, rosemary, lavender.

Even in the 16 th century, the Arabs believed lavender in the most effective means of removing the repulsive smell of female genitals, especially when their pathology. Lavandou used in the form of pads, in a mixture with salt, produces aromatic water. This property also has the smell of mint, camphor, rosemary, fir and cedar. Sex smells amplified alkalis, acids, attenuated.

In ancient Rome, for example, when essential oils have not yet learned to extract from the plant, a woman of the class before meeting with the man hours taken from the bath of rose petals. In general, the rose is associated with many legends.

Brought from the eastern countries in ancient Greece rose dedicated to the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. Greeks rose petals adorn marriage ceremonies, the bride is compared with the rosebud, and the plant is necessarily present in festive attire.
Incense as a means of sensual widely used in harems, priestesses of the ancient profession, as well as when they met in an intimate atmosphere.

For intimate atmosphere are recommended and widely used by so-called "sensual aromatic composition. It is composed of essential oils of ylang-ylang, cardamom, orange, bergamot, neroli, rose, geranium, mandarin.

Even in ancient times there were special recipes for the preparation of sensual compositions of essential oils. These compositions are due to synergistic action of constituents greater influence on the physiological (increased potency, the sensitivity of erogenous zones, etc.) and energy (erotic pulse, intuition, natural, etc.) Centers rights than individual essential oils. These aromatic blends possess attractive aroma and a powerful influence on the bodies of human sensuality.

Here are some of them:

Mixture of Aphrodite. Invented by women to the temptations of men. It is equally suitable for the young and women in age. So: 3 drops of ylang-ylang mixed with 2 drops of sandalwood, add 3 drops of rose or pink tree and 2 drops of nutmeg (you can Clary Sage). This composition of oils used for baths, fragrance, making shampoo massage.

Mixture of the winner. It is suitable for men. Mixture enhances potency, enhances psihoeroticheskuyu mood: 3 drops of ginger, plus 2 drops of cinnamon mixed with 3 drops of bergamot. It is used for baths, erotic massage, fragrance, making shampoo.

Delicate blend, or a mixture of Cleopatra: 4 drops Neroli combine with 3 drops of sandalwood and add 2 drops of bergamot and mint. Application of this mixture normalizes the nervous and psychological systems, stimulates impulses in the receptors that send signals to the erotoopredelyayuschie areas of the brain, changes the energy potential, restores the aura affects the endocrine system, increases the potency.

In addition to essential oils, perfumes and colognes are also widely used in the intimate atmosphere to enhance psihoeroticheskoy disposition.

Rational use of perfume to attract the opposite sex is to choose the right direction the smell that most closely matches the natural smell of a partner, or to enhance the overall smell, which is most suitable for the harmony of their sexual feelings.

All existing flavors in the perfume can be obtained by mixing in appropriate proportions of aromatic scents. In nature, well-maintained the principle septimal: seven colors of the spectrum, seven simple sounds, the seven components of the odor - the foundation for building harmony of the surrounding world, which is human.

In harmony with the environment should be and the harmony of aromas. Modern perfumery production attaches great importance to their agreement. According to French perfumes, perfume, scent must have a perfect and harmonious, and at the same time delightfully new.

For your mood, age, lifestyle, clothing, skin color, hair color, a partner, as well as climate, season and days to choose a unique fragrance that will live in harmony with the surrounding world, please yourself and others.

The aroma of each woman or man should be linked to their personality, to create memories with each other in their absence, and only one unique, beloved scent can play all the bright, unforgettable moments of mutual communication, as well as certain smells are imprinted in our memories and are a kind of code which can cause the whole picture of memories of human life.

The relationship of the spouses before the birth

Many women dream about how to get pregnant, go to sleep and wake up after the birth of the child (having slept through all 9 months), or have a baby in a month from the date of conception.
Of course, pregnancy - a difficult test for women, however, not all are aware of what changes and problems begin in family life after birth.

Also, as many spouses come to the doctor not to the conception of the child, and after, and also, as they are in no hurry to solve family problems before birth. And in vain, since the birth of a new family member completely rebuilt marital relationships, new roles, increasing the load on all family members, which usually exacerbates pre-existing problems in the family.

From the perspective of family therapy, family life involves certain stages of development, each of which involves a crisis of relationships. Here are the stages: the period of courtship, marriage, birth of children, the children go to school, adolescence, children leave the family (phase "empty nest"), one of the spouses dies. On the basis of my practice, we can say that the most acute crises shaking the family after the birth of the child, as well as during its maturation and separation from family.

The first crisis may be most acute if the period of courtship and marriage was very short, the relationship of the spouses did not have time yet to settle, "rubbing", and already they are expecting a baby. The second crisis is often visited by the couple, who have little in common hobbies and interests apart from everyday life and upbringing of children. In this case, after the departure of children from families, it appears that the marriage has already fulfilled its function and spouses are no more sense to stay together. Such disfuntsionalnaya family will do its utmost to prevent separation of children from their parents, encouraging them to irresponsibility and infantilism.

Returning to the first crisis, you can specify several possible causes: sexual "deprivation" of her husband, that is otstutsvie frequent sexual intercourse during pregnancy and after mother gives more attention to infant and husband, respectively, began feeling increasingly neglected, while at the same time he can help her avoid the housework and childcare, thus provoking resentment and anger of his wife. If the family already has one child, his competition and jealousy of a newborn is likely to become yet another cause tension in the family.

"My father says his son:
- You know, Stork, who brought you the little brother accidentally bite your mother
therefore it will have to wait a few days in the hospital.
- Here's trouble! - Meets the boy. - These were heavy labor, but there still is! "
Of course, well, when spouses can entrust the child's parents or babysitter and be alone, have the opportunity to choose "in people", but the possibility is not at all. Furthermore, the different perceptions of the spouses and their own parents about how to properly educate the heir will also generate their own conflicts.

In such a situation, it would probably be correct if the couple before the birth of the child sought to "settle" the existing problems in their relations to pregnancy and the postpartum period was the most calm. Harmonious marital relations during this period will also guarantee the absence of postpartum depression and anxiety in the mother. If you can not deal with problems on their own, for this family are psychologists and psychotherapists.

It is also necessary to establish certain rules of communication in the family, who are already often operate openly or secretly. These rules should include the solution of domestic problems, that is, allocation of responsibilities within the family, family leisure, views about the proper upbringing of children, the total budget, or distribution of material resources in the family, relationships with family and much more. Some of them are laid in the period of courtship, but finally become clear exactly when the couple begin to live together.

To do this themselves be intrinsically flexible, do not expect changes in the behavior of a partner, and start with themselves, abandoning the dogmas and stereotypes that unless the issue is not for you something very important, and global, that is fundamentally at odds with your inner values

Preparing for the birth to a new member of the family, you think not only about what diapers and vests him to buy, but also to think through and discuss together as will now be reallocated responsibilities and material resources in the family. You agree to this unless you both will not suit. The future, of course, will make its own corrections, but the foundation is already laid.

So, to me for assistance, please contact a family in which the girl was already about a year. In fact, they found themselves in a kind of isolation from the outside world after the birth. The mother was afraid to trust her daughter to any of the family, resulting in both husband and wife can spend time just at home with the child. In addition, the wife started to avoid sexual relations, as in the hospital her "alterations," her long healed stitches and sex caused her great pain. It turned out that her fears were not only physiological, but also psychological nature.

Ill-treatment in the hospital a woman has sparked memories of the earlier emotional trauma, and clearly it has been associated with psychological and physical abuse and neglect. High level of anxiety caused her to be isolated from the outside world. Her husband reacted with understanding to these issues. Because they raise the child alone, and he still had to earn money for the family, it is natural that all the problems of everyday life and care for her daughter lay on the shoulders of the mother. She resented that she did not help, he in turn began to accuse her of what works and earns money, he is one, in response to that, my wife even more offended and withdraws into himself. Thus both tired, so that just getting to bed and immediately fell asleep, not thinking about any sex.
This story can be called classical. For eighteen months we have been able to solve these problems so that the spouses have found someone they can trust from time to time caring for the child, and sexual relations have ceased to bring his wife to fear and discomfort, although before that they were ready to do her plastic surgery. Of course, were raised in family therapy themes of their joint leisure activities and allocation of responsibilities within the family. It takes into account the history and traditions of each parent families.

In such situations, very often their husbands, instead of figuring out what is really going on with his wife what had happened to their relationship, trying to find rest and somehow forget about their problems "on the side." Either they start to stay at work, and they are the mass of urgent matters, or are beginning to meet with other women. As the wife at this time tied to the child and the material depends on her husband, she has to endure all this. Perhaps that is why many marriages fail at a time when the child is about three years, ie, a time when the wife is tempered with each other and their stock of patience had been exhausted.

Furthermore, as said, the heroine in "The Barber of Siberia, a Russian man can not flirt with someone a little bit. You can get bogged down in a new relationship is thorough, that ultimately the fabric of the family and the breakdown of marriage. Interestingly, some women during pregnancy, offer themselves to their husbands' razdryadit "its power to someone else, without thinking about consequences.
So if a husband is behaving this way after giving birth, then after about three years, when his wife can return to work, and become more independent, more likely it will take "revenge", causing great confusion to her husband: "What the devil possessed her ?. Therefore, if sexual hunger prompts you to change spouse (wife), you need to understand that it is likely not solve the problems in the family, but rather complicate the situation.

Thus, the most common causes of family conflicts and betrayals are as follows: mismatch of interests and values of the spouses and the resulting tensions, corrupt sexual relations, as well as the difference in aims and expectations of marriage. If you are faced with this, then you have a reason to turn to family therapist, or by trying to create rules of communication within the family, identify common interests and goals.

Good sex in a bad relationship

"Without love there is no good sex" - often we say. Suddenly, good sex, and suddenly, without love ... Everyone is building its scale of "good - bad". And even you have with your partner may have different assessments of your surroundings.

For example, in bed, everything will take even very good, but here's the rest leaves much to be desired. At present aspect of the relationship you care about most. The most important thing at this stage "construction" to give free rein to the natural course of things, not build your way to the impregnable barrier in the form of "should", "so right", "thou shalt" ... Otherwise, the already fragile Bedding harmony will be jeopardized .

Destructive pressure

"Sex should be a consequence of love ..." This and other similar dogma we at the tender age blindly accept at face value without checking, by not contesting, swallowing and not digested. Just take it as a guide to action. And it stuck "block" kept pushing us to the question: it does not show me the proper interest, it is necessary that it has changed, yes, good in bed, but it is not the main ...

So drop by drop of tar spoils a barrel of honey. The ought kills everything. And sex, and relationships. If you say to yourself: there should be a good sex - which means that it will not, be on good terms - it means ... The ought - it is a struggle with himself, this is a false moralizing in favor of meaningful for us, "educators." But in this case to make this assertion their experience!

Egg or chicken?
Frankly, the question that the primary, sex or relationships, reminiscent of another notorious dilemma: which came first, the chicken or the egg. Yet often the case that good sex creates an interest relations, puts a premium on openness, trust, common issues. Love involves an erotic dimension, because we fall in love in a sexually attractive to us humans. So, if you follow the tenet of "first attitude, we must convince yourself that your partner physically, we" disgusting ", but otherwise just darling ...

And wait until there love, that to this very moment suddenly remember that he has a strong beautiful body? Most likely, this love, too, will look like the violence on themselves. Even worse - to convince myself that it is, where it is absent. Finally, invented love, even worse than just understanding each other in bed. The curvature of the soul turns. A good relationship can be the basis of sex, but it is also true that a good sex contributes to the development of relations.

Playing in a bad relationship

"But why - asks Elina - after another scandal, we love each other intoxicating?" Is not surprising, since the scandal - is discharging, it is a splash of energy. And that is not discharged words and broken crockery, discharged during intimate duels. And the benefit staged scandal is obvious, but only for as long as him not reached the routine, everyday train. Lost the charm of novelty, it ceases to excite. Unfriendly, whatever one may relate to the humiliation. Judges and victims can turn to switch roles. Again, stress, a prelude to relaxation.

But the "strain" can be either destructive ( "Are you not noticed, not congratulated, not wiped his feet, too late, did not answer ..." or "you should meet me") - and then hello great sex. And you can - positively: as soon as sexual game with elements of sadomasochistic moved to the bedroom, the relationship alive. She went to cheat, there was passion, and already two "opponents" on the brink, you can not. And all the bans, as we know, poprityagatelnee magnet. It is better to play in the game-conscious than unconscious.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Myths about coronary heart disease in women

Part 1

When she was approached by a doctor, Nancy Lavin was lying on a hospital bed and thought about the grocery list, which was going to do in the supermarket.

- You have a myocardial infarction - the doctor said.

His words sounded like a thunderclap.

- I was just a shock - recalls Nancy. At that time she was 48 years old.

Like many women, Nancy Lavin did not even suspect that the women is a myocardial infarction. When the first symptoms (nausea and pain in the back), she thought it was food poisoning or the flu, so they seemed harmless.

Today, Nancy Lavin headed by a social movement "Women's heart", bringing together 8 million American women suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD).

"My ignorance and carelessness of doctors almost cost me my life, - says Lavigne. - I do not check the level of cholesterol in the blood for 10 years. When a heart attack, cholesterol level was very high. "

Inexorable evidence suggests that coronary insufficiency - a form of ischemic heart disease - is the main cause of death among American women and kills half a million lives a year.

This problem has attracted more attention. Not by chance one of the most recent annual scientific sessions of the American Society of cellular cardiology was devoted to problems of heart disease in women, and the American National Institute of heart disease, blood and lungs developed the program "The Truth of the heart" to raise awareness about heart disease among women and the promotion of measures that would help women to control their health.

Silent killer

"Women are surprised - said Noel Beira, medical director of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Center (Los Angeles). - They ask: "How could this happen to me?". But realizing what had happened, the women are strong advocates and talk about what they learned to other women. "

Misconceptions are fairly common among the population. The main problem is that women simply do not realize that the danger exists. Cardiovascular diseases are considered to be solely the prerogative of men.

Most women are afraid that they will die from breast cancer, whereas in fact, cardiovascular disease kills one in two women, while breast cancer - only one of 25.

As shown by results of a survey conducted by the American Heart Association, only 8% of women know that cardiovascular diseases constitute the greatest threat to women's health and only 18% of them found out about this danger from their doctors. And among women aged 25 to 35 years of this risk-informed, only 4%.

"On the dissemination of information about breast cancer spent bulk of funds", - says Jennifer Mires, Director of Cellular Cardiology at University Hospital in New York, a renowned expert on heart disease in women.

It's not just that large corporations like Avon fund research for breast cancer, notes Mires. The problem also in the fact that many female celebrities mentioned in their statements about breast cancer. but no one talks about their illnesses associated with the heart. Meanwhile, many male celebrities, for example, guests famous TV presenter David Letterman and Larry King, talking about these diseases. Whatever it was funding research of coronary heart disease in women is not enough.

"People are oriented to the views of celebrities", - said Dr. Mires.


The risk of cardiovascular disease in women increases during menopause. Experts believe that this is associated with reduced estrogen levels, which help the work of the heart. For postmenopausal women likely to die from coronary heart disease is 10 times higher than the risk of dying from breast cancer. Women in menopause may mistakenly take the initial symptoms of heart disease, such as fatigue and insomnia, for the symptoms of menopause.

Another problem is the lack of early diagnosis. The average diagnosis of coronary heart disease for women is put at 10 - 15 years later than men. Mainly because most women do not pay enough attention to their health.

"In the family of a woman is often a family doctor for children and a husband and therefore did not pay much attention to himself - says Dr. Mires. - Therefore, we should teach women to take care of their own health. "

Part 2

Jackie Praiano dying within 10 days. No one could understand from what. Electrocardiogram did not show. Before my illness, she was a comely woman of 49 years.

In the end, it became clear that this is a heart attack. When the diagnosis was finally delivered, 10 percent of the heart muscle has been damaged.

"I thought I was going to die, - says Jackie. - How could this happen to me? Nobody ever told me that I should worry about his heart. "

The first physician to whom she addressed, diagnosed a viral infection, and appointed bed rest. Once started in great pain in my heart, and the ambulance took her to the hospital, another doctor diagnosed it as herpes zoster.

This incident occurred 10 years ago.

Jackie is not the only woman, has received such a terrible lesson. Mortality from coronary heart disease among women is increasing in geometric proportions, and often it is because the women themselves, their families and doctors may not recognize the symptoms of the disease.

Every year, 500 thousand women die of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke. And women die at 50 thousand more than men.

Women continue dying

Studies show that American scientists, women were taken to hospital with a heart attack, dying at 20% more often than men. In addition, the probability that the time will be held thrombolytic therapy, coronary angiography, angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery in women below.

"Doctors learn to diagnose heart disease in men - said Nancy Lavin, the head of a public movement" Women's Heart Foundation, established In 1990-ies. - They are not trained to diagnose heart attacks in women. Lavin also in the past suffered a myocardial infarction.


Symptoms of a heart attack in women are described in comparison with the symptoms of the disease in men. Men often the first symptom is severe pain. In women, symptoms may be atypical, rather atypical for men but not for women. In women, heart attack can give of himself to know the following features:

* A strong discomfort in the lower part of the chest, stomach, jaw, arm or shoulder.
* Nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath.
* Shortness of breath without chest pain.
* Unexplained anxiety, weakness or fatigue without chest pain.
* Trembling, cold sweat, pallor, without chest pain.

63% of women who died from sudden coronary failure - their arteries were clogged with deposits of lipids and cholesterol - had no warning symptoms. Therefore, early detection of disease, monitoring of risk factors (smoking, nutrition), as well as regular analysis of blood cholesterol are the most effective ways to reduce mortality from myocardial infarction and stroke in women.

But often it was not being pursued.

Lavin is wrong exceptional attention to the mammogram and strokes - an approach she calls "bikini medicine.

"Most women are too often visited by gynecologists and consult with them as with general practitioners, - she said. - So when they get to the specialists, but it happens after 45 years, symptoms of heart disease they are more pronounced than in men.

After a heart attack

"Because the diagnosis of coronary heart disease for women is put later than men, respectively, the prognosis for women is considerably worse," - says Jennifer Mires, Director of Cellular Cardiology at University Hospital in New York, a renowned expert on heart disease in women.

According to statistics from the U.S. Agency for Research on quality of care, within one year after myocardial infarction die, at least 40% of women and only 24% of men.

It turns out that women receive less intensive treatment. A recent study by the American Heart Association, found that every year die from a heart attack more women than men, while women produce only 42% of all cardiovascular operations, 29% of coronary bypass surgery and 39% of angioplasty. The probability of death from heart attack or lack of surgical care is higher for women than for men. In addition, women often do not receive adequate assistance or medicines in the postinfarction period.

Different requirements

"In addition to ignorance, it is important and that women's EKG results of tests with the load depended on the hormonal status of the patient and the intensity of the load", - said Dr. Mires. Often the ECG does not reveal the characteristic signs of myocardial infarction. This may be due to different physiological and hormonal factors, or less sensitivity to the test. The most informative tests were echocardiography with stress or pharmacological stress test.

The study of heart disease has historically been based on the treatment of this disease in men. For example, a recent clinical study of artificial heart transplants included only male patients. It is essential that these studies also covered and women, convinced Dr. Mires. Physiology of the female body differs from the physiology of men and, perhaps, the size of the body and the heart play a role in the course of heart disease.

In the U.S. study of heart disease has been pursuing for decades, but women were not included in them until 1990, when the U.S. Congress issued a resolution directing the National Institute of Medicine to include women in the sample studied.

However, women currently represent only 25% of study participants due to circumstances related to pregnancy, family problems, work, and, most importantly, a lack of understanding of what coronary heart disease is not only a disease of men.

What follows?

"We can not sit idly by and wait until the doctors pereuchatsya - says Nancy Lavin of the organization" Women's heart. - Women should know what they should worry about and how to maintain their health."
Rx Arkansas

Ovarian cysts: is every woman should know

Ovarian cyst - a common disease, which is usually asymptomatic and discovered only during a scheduled inspection at the gynecologist.

The ovaries are located in the lower abdomen on both sides of the uterus. Each month in women of reproductive age is ready to fertilize the egg is released from the follicle, in which she has been there, and the fallopian (uterine) tube enters the uterus. Ovarian cyst (capsule filled with fluid) can be located inside or on the surface of the ovary.

Sometimes the cyst reaches a large size. In such cases, the rupture may be life-threatening. It is therefore important to know the symptoms, indicating the presence of large cysts.

Types of cysts

If the egg is not released from the follicle, as it should be the norm, it continues to grow and is reborn in the brush. Development of cysts are often asymptomatic. Sometimes a few months cyst resolves itself.

After the release of an egg from the follicle in the body begins to produce hormones that prepares the uterus for fertilization. If the cavity, which is formed in the ovary after the egg, accumulated fluid formed corpus luteum cyst. Usually, this cyst is dissolving in a few weeks, but there are times when it develops further and becomes bigger than the ovary. Inside the accumulated blood, she curled around the ovarian cyst and causes pain. The gap filled with blood cyst causing sudden sharp pain. However cyst of the corpus luteum does not prevent pregnancy.

Other types of cysts are much less common. They are formed from the follicular cells or tissues of the ovary. These cysts, as well as those that occur after menopause, require careful attention, because they can degenerate into malignant ovarian tumors.

Symptoms and treatment

The signs of the presence of large cysts:

* Irregular menstrual cycle
* The feeling of overcrowding in the abdomen, bloating
* The difficulty with urination, caused by the pressure of the cyst on the bladder
* Pain in the pelvic area, which can give in the waist
* Pain during intercourse

These symptoms are not always indicate the presence of cysts. Seek medical advice. If he felt the cyst during the inspection, you will also be appointed by pelvic ultrasound and blood tests. Additional surveys, if necessary, help to select the right treatment.

First, the doctor is likely to choose expectant management. To track the dynamics will require additional examinations and ultrasound examinations. Small cysts, which are not absorbed by themselves, are removed by laparoscopy. In this special instrument (laparoscope) is inserted through a tiny incision in the abdomen.

Age of patients - an important factor influencing the choice of treatment. Ovarian cancer occurs in younger women is relatively rare. After menopause the likelihood of degeneration cysts in the tumor above, so the doctor may recommend surgery to remove it.
Rx Florida

Stroke - women's disease?

For the time being this problem is nobody cares. But for the time being. A stroke occurs due to abnormalities of cerebral blood flow and cause serious damage to brain cells or even death. A stroke can greatly limit the ability of people to lead active, independent lives. In the best case, the patient is fully recovered, but the road to recovery is always slow and difficult.

Stroke cost more lives than breast cancer. You it may seem surprising, but a stroke - not such a "senile" problem. About a quarter of women at a time when they have suffered a stroke were younger than 65 years.

Stroke occurs more frequently in women than in men. However, the fairer sex have a greater chance of survival. Perhaps due to the fact that the female brain is hurting less than men. According to one study, female rats damaged cerebral cortex occurs in 33% less than in males. Scientists have suggested that the advantage associated with the content in the body the female hormone estrogen. This version is confirmed: the females, who received an additional injection of estrogen was noted in 2 times less brain disorders, than in the control group. Further research should shed light on whether estrogen is used as remedies for treatment of stroke.

Science does not stand still. Thus, American researchers say that in the next 10 years, they can prevent up to 80% of stroke in people of the United States.

"Women" risk factors

Risk factors for stroke in men and women, mostly the same (the existence of a family history of stroke, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, increased red blood cells), but there are specific "female" risks. For example, the likelihood of stroke increases with an increase in blood pressure during pregnancy. Young women suffering from migraine and taking oral contraceptives, also in high-risk group.

As you can see, there is no panacea. The only measure of stroke prevention - maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To reduce the likelihood of attack, follow these recommendations:

· When high blood pressure, consult a doctor and follow his appointment.

· Quit smoking, avoid secondhand smoke.

· If you have diabetes diet and take prescribed medications.

· Avoid the development of cardiovascular diseases keep under control cholesterol. Avoid consumption of saturated fatty acids.

· Do exercises, play sports.

· Control your weight. If you want, lose weight.

· Drink alcohol in moderate doses. The key word here - "moderate". In Denmark, for 16 years conducted research involving 13,329 people and concluded that those who drank 1.6 glasses of wine a week, your risk of stroke is reduced by 34% compared with those who never consume wine or making is very rare. Result is not applicable to other alcoholic drinks! According to scientists, the positive effects of wine on the body due to their content of flavonoids and tannins, substances which slow down the development of atherosclerosis (the disease is one cause of stroke). There is also the view that the admission of any alcohol prevents atherosclerosis. But be careful! Intemperance in the use of alcohol may lead to more health problems.
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